To accurately price your home, we will make an appointment to view your home noting upgrades, finishes, square footage, etc., We will use this information to compare your home with others in your neighborhood that have recently sold. A Comparative Market Analysis (“CMA”) is an industry-standard tool for accurately pricing homes. Within a few days we will email you a CMA and discuss pricing at our next appointment.


    Our next appointment will consist of discussing a listing price for your home based on the CMA. We will bring a Listing Agreement which will give us the exclusive right to sell your home within a specified period of time.


    A Prep and Sell consultant will meet with you and walk around the property to discuss the best ways to give your house the edge among other homes for sell in the neighborhood. With your signed listing agreement we pressure wash your house, driveway, walks, patios and decks to make it shine. We also freshen up your flower beds with new mulch and light pruning. Together these two services help to give buyers a great first impression and a positive feeling as they make their way to the front door, and they are provided to you at NO CHARGE!


    We have found that Wednesday or Thursday is the best day of the week to list your home on the MLS, and we expect a busy weekend of showings! Timing is very important when selling a home, and we want to ensure your home has every advantage when we list it. We update you on progress and leads as we get them.


    Getting an offer is a great feeling, but the work is just beginning. We review terms, verify financing and discuss the terms and conditions of each offer presented.


    After the initial offer is made it is common to negotiate the numbers until both parties are happy with the price. As your agents we will advise you along the way to help you get the best price possible. After an agreement has been reached, all parties sign the contract and we move into the option period. With a signed contract, buyer will provide an earnest money check to title company and an option fee check to seller.


    The option period is a specified time-frame (typically 10 days) in which a buyer can terminate the contract for any reason. Most often, this period of time is used for the buyer to perform inspections on your home. If any problems are found, the buyer may decide if he is going to ask for repairs, negotiate a compromise, or back out of the deal. The option period begins on the day your contract is executed and ends at 5 p.m. on the day specified in the contract.


    The buyer often times uses the inspection report to negotiate repairs or ask for money in lieu of repairs. This can be a delicate process but using our experience and market knowledge, will do our best to get you the best terms possible.


    From the last day of the option period to the time we close, we work to ensure the buyer and his agent are performing within the terms of the contract. We are also keeping in touch with the title agent, lenders, appraisers, etc., as needed to ensure we are on track to close on time.


    We are almost there! On your closing date (per the contract), you will have already reviewed your closing documents provided to you by the title company. You will spend approximately 30 minutes with the title agent to sign documents, hand over keys, and finalize the sale of your home. At this time, you will receive any proceeds from the sale of your home. CONGRATULATIONS!