Coming to a stop alongside the curb, my clients peer at the house next on their list of appointments. “Hmmmm….

We have all heard the saying “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” First impressions are very important in all parts of our lives: relationships, business and even our homes.

We learned firsthand how quickly buyers develop first impressions and how powerful they can be.  We personally saw clients cross off houses from their lists without looking inside.

Watching our clients dismiss a house so quickly was eye-opening and caused us to evaluate our own listings with a new perspective.  We determined to improve the first impressions of our listings by rolling up our sleeves, pressure washing them and mulching the flower beds.  WOW! What an improvement it made in the overall curb appeal.  The photos from our photographer really captured a nice contrast between the new mulch and freshly washed house, driveway and walks.  The feedback we received from other agents and their clients convinced us that we were on to something great!

Energized with the positive feedback, our team developed a passion for helping our clients gain an edge among the competition in their neighborhoods.  We love exceeding expectations of our clients while serving them from contract to closing.

Psssst…..When they are not helping their clients with their real estate needs, Sheri is on staff at their church where she and Rick are very active.  Rick and Ronnie are both Fire Fighters for the City of Houston serving citizens for 33 years and 25 years respectively.